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Younger Thanks to Jogging

Written By Bersemangat on Jumat, 01 Juli 2011 | 17.23

WANT to stay young and healthy? Start getting used to jog regularly for physical activity as this proved to delay the effects of aging.

Valuable advice was delivered by experts in the United States that publish research results in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine recently. Their research shows, regular jogging activity could slow the effects of the aging process. Elderly people who diligently recorded jog also less likely to die prematurely due to a number of serious diseases like cancer than those who do not jog.

And that is not less important, research conducted by scientists at Stanford University Medical Center is proved, the pejogging able to enjoy a healthier life with minimal disability disability rates than older adults who do not jog.

With all these findings, the experts made recommendations for his revived awareness of the importance of physical activity and regular exercise for both young and elderly.

30 minutes a day

In his research, the experts involved around 500 elderly people who diligently jogging with other groups that do not do jogging. All the participants, average age 50-an at the beginning of the study, and their condition continues to be monitored for 20 years. After 19 years of research work, 34 percent of elderly non-runner group died, whereas of the runners only reached 15 percent.

Research shows these two groups become more vulnerable and have physical limitations as we age. But the group of runners, the onset of disability or incapacity occurs more slowly, or about 16 years later. Differences between groups of health care quality runners and non-runners also have persisted and widened when entering into their 90s.

According to experts, the activity of running or jogging regularly does not slow the average heart rate and arterial blood vessels. This activity is also associated with lower death rates from cancer, neurological diseases, infections and other causes. Moreover there is no evidence to suggest that those who diligently tended susceptible jog osteoarthritis or need total knee joint replacement who had feared.

At baseline, the elderly are running an average of about four hours in a week or about 35 minutes a day. After 21 years, the duration of their jogging per week decreased to 76 minutes, but they still have other health benefits of regular exercise.

"This research has a message that strongly supports the importance of exercise. If you had to pick one thing that people become more healthy when it starts to ripen, it is aerobic exercise. The health benefits of exercise is greater than we imagined," said study author Professor James Fries, from the University of California at Stanford.
17.23 | 0 komentar | Read More

This phase of Ageing in Men

MOST of us continue to follow the process of aging through the mirror. Here's what can and can not be seen by men as he watched her face and body for many years.

Twenties. At this age, a man began to show early signs of aging, though still vague as hair thinning, muscle weakness, and fatigue easily when exercising. However, this is not the time to hang up the sneakers, because the rate of burning calories in her body began to slow. It is important for him to give attention to diet and exercise.

Thirties. The lines and wrinkles begin to appear around the delicate eye and mouth when the skin begins to lose elasticity. Hearing begins to decline, especially if he likes to listen to music at full volume through speakers or earphones. Controlling cholesterol is important because the levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein, the harmful type of cholesterol) continues to climb, so does the hairline on the forehead. Meanwhile, HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is good begins to decline. Sometime after the age of about 35 years, gray hair began to appear, especially on the forehead, and belly began to bulge.

Forties. At this age, aging is increasingly expanding its power. Hair loss is more pronounced (at least in men who tend to be bald). Wrinkles, wrinkles appeared on the edge of the eyelid, also at the edges, and other lines start to appear. He may need glasses plus or dual focus when the lens of the eye starts to become stiff. But now can concentrate on things other than sex-libido began to decrease due to declining testosterone levels.

Fifties. There is some good news: after several decades continue to rise, eventually stops rising cholesterol levels. The bad news: Immune to decline, making it easier to get sick and infected. Gums began to change significantly, and the early signs of prostate problems begin to emerge, such as weak urine flow or jams. Fat under the jaw and chin and looks like a terraced maki.

Sixties. His weight began to fall due to diminished muscle mass, consequently the skin becomes loose and sag, especially around the arms and shoulders; bags under the eyes also become clear. Narrow shoulders and hair color fade. fortunately mentally he is still the same as 30 years ago; ability to solve the problem is still good.

Seventies. Her skin becomes more coarse and uneven color change, usually in the form of patches here and there. Aquiline nose becomes more and more width, ear lobe becomes thicker. Her sleep is reduced, which means it becomes easier due to improvements in body pain usually lasts for one to sleep soundly. His memory is also reduced.
17.22 | 0 komentar | Read More

Old Bad Habits Make Quick

Did you know that bad habits can cause premature aging in the face?

1. frowned
Too often frowns can make a permanent wrinkle unnoticed. Consider whether you always frown when reading.

2. rubbing eyes
Rubbing eyes can damage the tissue in the eyelid so eye skin becomes older faster.

3. pursed lips
This habit is often done when thinking or reading, as well as smoking. This causes permanent aging lines around the mouth.

4. Not wearing sunglasses
This is a necessity in the hot sun because our eyes will always be narrowed to face bright sunshine. Narrowed habits can deepen the lines of aging around the eyes. Ophthalmologists recommend sunglasses to prevent the formation of cataracts.

5. chin
Unwittingly, we often idly while reading or watching television. This habit, if done long hours can affect the teeth and jaw line. This habit is especially not recommended for children.

6. Blowing your nose too hard
When colds and a lot of snot, do not rub your nose and blow her nose was too strong. It can make the skin loses its soft fibers of the epidermis and cause premature wrinkles. The skin around the nose too irritated.
17.21 | 0 komentar | Read More

People Not Care Smoking Dangers

Syamsuir, residents Downstream Dam, Central Jakarta, now can not talk anymore. The reason, he had cancer of the vocal cords. Why? Not because he was a heavy smoker for 30 years. One day three packs of cigarettes he sulut.

Syamsuir worked as a repairman hours. Modest income. So, for the smoking habit he barely spends most of his income. The result? Now there is a hole in his neck of the former operation has ever lived. And the more he regret: his voice disappeared.

Syamsuir is one of the millions of victims of smoking. In Indonesia, 70 percent of the 60 million smokers are those who come from middle to lower economic groups. That is, already poor, are still caught smoking habits that drain the contents of the bag.

Not to mention the approximately 65.6 million women and 43 million children in Indonesia who are exposed to cigarette smoke. They are also vulnerable to passive smoking and various diseases affected by smoking, ie, bronchitis, lung, colon cancer, liver cancer, stroke, and various other diseases.

Each year about 200,000 deaths in Indonesia due to smoking. A total of 25 000 victims were passive smokers. It is a direct result of smoking will not appear immediately. The impact of new look after 25 years since someone first smoke.

Demographic Institute senior researcher Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo, once declared, a study found that the cost of inpatient smoking-related disease sufferers reached Rp 2.9 trillion per year.

Indonesia was great in terms of cigarette consumption. Imagine, now Indonesia occupied the third position in the world after China and India for the affairs of cigarette consumption. Government of Indonesia's lack of political will to deal with tobacco issues seriously.

Just imagine, Road Map for Cigarette Industry precisely target the addition of cigarette consumption. In 2005, cigarette consumption in Indonesia reached 220 billion cigarettes. On the Road Map for Cigarette Industry in 2015 targeted cigarette consumption increased to 260 billion sticks.

Target 10 years increased by 40 billion cigarettes. A total of 40 billion cigarettes consumed 10 million smokers. That is, within 10 years 10 million new smokers are recruited. It could be said in one year targeted one million new smokers, or 249 new smokers per day, said Setyo Budiantoro of Tobacco Control Support Center Public Health Association of Indonesia (TCSC-IAKMI).

Who are the new smokers? Of course the teens. No wonder tobacco industry did not hesitate to throw big money for advertising expenditure. Good advertising on television and on billboards streets. Ranging from teenage music concerts to sporting events.

Images on packs of cigarettes

Retaliate against the tobacco industry to advertise the dangers of smoking clearly impossible. If you want to save the nation, especially the younger generation, the most reasonable and most likely do is to control the tobacco industry and apply the rules contained in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

One way is to put up pictures of diseases caused by smoking on cigarette packs. Not just a small warning smokers and almost negligible because there is no deterrent effect.

Pictorial warning or warnings with graphic images on cigarette packs fairly effective. Effective because it reaches all the layers, there is a repetitive effect as it would be 5800-7000 times per year by smokers who smoked a pack a day.

In addition, the government also does not need to pay, the picture was clear, strong, and large, more than a million warnings in words, words Widyastuti Soerojo of TCSC-IAKMI.

Warning the pictures shown to be effective in some countries, like Canada as much as 44 percent of smokers want to quit, 58 percent of smokers start thinking about the dangers of cigarette consumption, 35 percent of smokers increased knowledge of the dangers of cigarettes, and 17 percent of smokers hide the wrapper because it does not want others to see the image commemoration.

In Singapore, 47 percent of smokers to smoke less, 57 percent of smokers start thinking about health impacts, 71 percent of smokers increased their knowledge, 25 percent of smokers motivated to quit, 28 percent of smokers reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, 14 percent of smokers do not smoke in front of children children, 12 percent of smokers do not smoke in front of pregnant women, and 8 percent of smokers to reduce smoking when at home.

In Thailand, 92 percent of smokers want to quit smoking, 62 percent of smokers to reduce smoking, 20 percent of smokers try to quit smoking, and 25 percent of smokers continue to smoke the same amount.

In Brazil, 54 percent of smokers to change attitudes about the effects of smoking after seeing the pictures on cigarette packs and 67 percent of smokers want to quit smoking. Greater impact on low income groups and education.

Disturbingly, Indonesia's cigarette production is exported to foreign countries, like Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Brunei, has plastered images of diseases caused by smoking. However, the same cigarette circulating in Indonesia without plastered pictures of diseases caused by smoking.

That could mean, the tobacco industry to the government obey the neighboring country. If so, why not apply the same rules for packs of cigarettes that circulate in Indonesia? There is no reason not to implement the provisions of international operators.

At first it's hard, but the Hong Kong government finally succeeded in implementing international rules, said Dr. Homer of Tobacco Control Legislation in Hong Kong.

Reflecting the experience of neighboring countries, the Government of Indonesia it was time to start repaying implement international rules on control of tobacco. At least, by putting warnings on cigarette packs with pictures.
17.20 | 0 komentar | Read More

Make Cigarettes More Skin Wrinkles

It was not only the sun accelerates the aging of the skin. Cigarettes are rivals in the ultraviolet rays damage the cells beneath the skin. Not only the skin on the face, but all parts of the body covered with skin has the same risk as cigarette smoke stick longer in the entire skin surface.

"Cigarette smoke makes a biological age we walk faster," said Dr Stuttaford is a medical editor at The Times, London. One part of the body covered with skin and higher risk for skin damage is breast tissue.

The skin around the breast by Stuttaford will slacken and wrinkles as the collagen beneath the skin has been "confused" by cigarette smoke. Not only that, the lack of oxygen supply due to toxins in cigarettes makes your skin become dull. "So there is no other option to keep your skin taut until the age of well-established, except to quit smoking!"
17.19 | 0 komentar | Read More

slowing Aging

Our nature as human beings since the birth parents will be in line with the years of his life. Upon entering the reproductive period, the balance of reproductive hormones in women (estrogen) and male (testosterone) will show signs of secondary sex, that is a sign of beauty in women and courage in men.

After passing through the reproductive period, begin entering the age where the female hormone estrogen starts to decline at age 35 to very low and lost or ended at age 65. This causes a gradual process of aging begin to appear with clinical complaints of disturbing. As in men, testosterone levels begin to decline at age 60 years old.

That was delivered by Prof. Ichramsjah Subpart A Rachman from University of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine, Endocrinology, General Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo Central Jakarta, in a scientific symposium initiated by the Association of Anti-Aging Medicine, Indonesia, Saturday (18 / 7), at Hotel Sahid Jaya, Jakarta.

The period of aging in women consists of several stages. First, age 35-45 years was a period marked the beginning of aging hormone estrogen decline in the initial complaints and menstrual disorders. Over 45-55 years of age is during perimenopause that consists of the premenopausal, menopausal and post menopausal hormone estrogen increasingly marked down to the lowest point so as not to cause menstrual longer interfere with menopausal symptoms, the physical appearance of the older and the threat of osteoporosis.

Aged over 55-65 years is a period marked the end of aging with clinical complaints of Alzheimer's, atherosclerosis, bone fractures, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disorders, physical appearance of a hunchback and getting older. "It is conceivable state of these old ladies when not given hormone replacement therapy that will enter the geriatric age with problems due to the threat of diseases that accompany old age," he said.

Running fine

To retard the aging process, Chairman of the Association of Anti-Aging Medicine, Indonesia Prof. Yahya Kisyanto explain, we must exercise adjusted for chronological age. Until about age 30 years, we can work out a relatively heavy such as basketball and badminton. Until the age of 50 years, a sport that is like tennis and swimming. Around age 60-80 years, recommended moderate exercise such as walking and golf.

Chairman of the Committee of the National Scientific Symposium and Exhibition Perkapi Prof. Walujo Soerjodibroto SpGK added, efforts to prevent premature aging is not just focused in terms of aesthetics or beauty, but rather about how to keep the functions of the organs in the body has not decreased. "So, the problem of anti-aging medicine involves cross-disciplinary science of medicine," he said.

In women, according to Ichramsjah, disruptive symptoms of menopause can actually be overcome by hormone replacement therapy. Therapy consists of estrogen and natural progesterone can be administered orally, topically and implants to improve the quality of life of elderly women. Although improving quality of life, but giving some kind of hormone replacement therapy also increases the risk of malignancy or cancer.

Ichramsjah explained, giving drosperinone estradiol 1 mg and 2 mg (a new type of progesterone) in menopausal and post menopausal women who started from the age of 49 years combined with calcium 800 mg, gymnastics gymnastics osteoporosis prevention and give a good response to the symptoms of menopause. The combination of pharmacological and non pharmacological therapies that also stabilize your weight, blood pressure, keep skin smooth, and increase bone density.
17.17 | 0 komentar | Read More

Uban Not Signs of Aging

White or gray hair is identical to the parent. No wonder that the appearance of gray hair often makes a person feel old before his time. The emergence of white hair is actually associated with melanin or pigment that gives color to the hair. When the pigment production is blocked, then the original color of black hair would turn white.

White hair is actually still the same with your hair long, except that now have no color. Sooner than gray hairs appear on someone's head was also associated with heredity.

"If you are among the older generation there is a gray since I was young, probably you will too," said Diana Bihova, MD, from New York University Medical Center, USA. Vice versa, due to hereditary factors as well there are people over the age of 60 years his hair was still black.

Too often under the sun can also cause rapid hair graying. "Excessive ultraviolet rays cause the pigment cells on the scalp tortured," said Bihova. This causes the pigment early retirement so that gray hairs show up on time.

According Bihova, men usually graying around the temples, then on the side, top, and finally in the rear. The process does not always take place at the same rate, sometimes at a time that appears a lot of gray hair, but at other times a bit. At age 50, nearly 50 percent of men experience hair perubanan on them.

After the hair, gray hair and then followed up on the beard, chest, legs, and eyebrows, then around the armpits and genitals. However, the process can be different in each person.

Some people find white hair makes them look more mature and comfortable with his condition. However, not a few people who want to cover it with paint. This is fine, especially now available various brands of hair dye that is able to cover gray hair but still look natural. Another way to camouflage gray hair is to cut it short so that the gray hair was not too obvious.

Most importantly, though gray, your hair should still be treated. Moreover, with age, hair and scalp also tend to dry out. To maintain good hair condition remains, use a conditioner every time you shampoo.
17.16 | 0 komentar | Read More
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